
Attract quality talent and hire candidates with the right fit

ZetivaHR recruit enables companies to create great looking career sites and pages that creates first impression on the part of candidates. Add selection questions to each job posts and get candidates attempt each question attached to any job post.


Create hiring plans and streamline job requisitions

Allow departments collaborate with recruiters to create their own hiring plans. Once hiring plans are approved, managers initiate job requisitions right on the platform.

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Hiring Plans, Job Requisitions & Recruitment Configurations

Now, heads of departments can take full ownership of their hiring needs right from hiring plan to requisitions to fill vacancies. By giving them the flexibility and ownership to take full control of their hiring needs, they become more efficient and can collaborate to source and hire quality candidates at shorter time frame.

Unlimited hiring plans

Create as many hiring plans as required. Each hiring plan for a particular purpose and recruitment need. All hiring plans can be implemented once approved and this reduces the time spent on recruitment.

Screening questions

Create and add screening questions to each published job and allow only qualified candidates to apply for vacant opportunities. Only candidates who meet the requirement of the job will move to the next statge of the hiring process. This reduces the time to hire and increases hiring rate and efficiency.


Easy hiring with our Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Our Applicant Tracking System (ATS) gives companies the tools to remain focus and organize their hiring process in a unique and organized manner. Organize your hiring process using an effective Kanban board and effectively work with all hiring members in a seamless manner.

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Customizable recruitment pipeline

Not every job or department would require the same recruitment pipeline to guide the recruiters forward in the hiring process. No problem at all, go right ahead. Declutter and streamline your process by creating unique pipelines for each need.

Customizable hiring stages

As you work in filling those vacant positions, chances are that the hiring templates do not meet your requirement. You can customize the way you want your hiring pipeline by creating various stages for each pipeline.

Unlimited email response templates

Setup automated emails at every recruitment stage to be sent to candidates. For each stage of the recruitment pipeline, emails are auto triggered to each category of candidates. This eliminates the wait in time for candidates and never again will candidates not hear from you as an employer. This creates a good impression on the part of candidates.

Candidate pool

Not every candidate that applies for your vacant post will be hired. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of candidates send in their application for each vacant job. You can create a talent pool for each job and store the candidates who do not possess the current job requirement for future role. This saves you time of having to post jobs and wait for candidates to apply.

Create a first impression with beautiful career site/pages

Now you can build your own career pages hosted on your HRMS and create a strong employer brand and value proposition in the face of candidates. A strong employer brand attracts candidates to vacant jobs and you have a hire response rate on vacant positions. Create as many career sites as you may require.

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Candidate Experience

Job seekers today are much more interested at your career pages to evaluate how your value proposition matches their career aspiration. Your employer brand has a way of retaining active and passive candidates to your company and increasing recruitment success. Now you have the ability to showcase your company’s employer brand and value proposition to a large population of job applicants.
